Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Are you a Victim of your own Success?

I thought I would raise a very interesting question to everyone to think about...Are you a victim of your own success? Meaning, as a result of your success on your diet, do you find yourself starting to make modifications or being tempted to?

It’s amazing, but I receive countless e-mails from people that usually start out by saying the following:

"...while I have had great success on my diet, I'm now interested in modifying it to make it more interesting, can you give me some advice on doing this?"

The reason that I'm pointing this out is because I think it’s something that we are all tempted to do. But, the reason that people are successful on their diets has more to do with the fact that they are following them 100%. In fact, if most people just followed the program as it was presented, the success ratios would be much higher. Amazingly, this is one of the classic examples of the KISS principle....AKA: Keep It Simple Stupid.
So, while things may seem to get a little boring, or the temptation may arise to start modifying your plan, let me just scream the following from the top of the mountains...
Stick with your plan and don't modify it!

Of course, the only exception to this rule is the importance of changing up your exercise every few weeks. Amazingly, the human body is incredible at adapting to new challenges. And, just like your diet, it will also adapt to the physical challenges that you present to it. Keep things interesting and to keep your metabolism in full swing, definitely change up your exercise plan at least twice a month. Now, this doesn't mean you have to change the type of exercise that you are doing, but simply change the way you are doing it.

Hamilton Erridge, President of New Lifestyle Diet

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