Friday, 19 December 2014

Lose Weight with High Protein Vegetarian Diet

Food is the main cause of many lifestyle diseases and disorders, which makes it essential to change eating habits in order to stay hale and hearty for a long time. In case, you are struggling to lose weight with hectic exercise regime and are still binging on high calorie food then you will never be able to achieve the fitness that you desire. To balance your body weight and attain fitness, you will have to choose health food over fattening delicacies. This will immensely help in reducing weight and you will feel a positive change after just few days.

The low level of protein in body is the major cause of weakness that you feel after an exercising session. To tackle this problem you are required to intake high protein food products and snacks. Protein rich food products will immensely help in combating the lack of protein in your diet and will give you the energy that you require to stay healthy through strict exercising regime. You can even go for high protein vegetarian diet, if you do not like non vegetarian food. There are many food products like pulses and soybean that you can consume to get a good supply of this essential nutrient. You can easily lose weight fast with delicious low carb high protein snacks, which are available in market. In case, you are also willing to built muscles then this diet plan can surely be helpful for you. Apart from protein, you should also eat food products that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Opt For Top Level Dietary Programs In Order To Lose Weight

Have you ever imagined having a well maintained and good-looking figure without saying no to your favorite delightful cuisines? Being a girl, I would love to have each and every food of my choice along with a healthy attractive figure. Reading all this do feel like a dream to you, Isnt it? However, with the latest dietary plan programs started by various diet nutritionists, the concept of dieting has turned to be a delusion.  One can stay healthy by eating everything, all what required is a proper plan to start with.

For women, who are always worried about their figure, a special program has been started, which helps them to lose weight very fast. It involves a rigorous diet routine that does not stop you to cut down on your daily eating dietary habits. Moreover, the routine has helped a lot of people to lose weight without having to worry about controlling themselves. An ideal diet, which is directed by the top professional experts include you to take 1 Multivitamin and drink at least 8 cups of water or non-caloric beverage daily. However, you can opt for various daily programs online, suiting your requirement.

There are various websites that offer daily health programs for women in order to help them to lose those extra ounces of weight. You can opt for personalize dietary plan chart that makes you efficient in calculating your daily calorie intake. Also, you can avail various dietary services offered by the expert dietician.  New Life Diet offers a special regime that has helped various men and women in the task of shaping their body as well as their life.
“Change your life in an exotic manner.”

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Lose Weight With High Protein Vegetarian Diet

Food is the main cause of many lifestyle diseases and disorders, which makes it essential to change eating habits in order to stay hale and hearty for a long time. In case, you are struggling to lose weight with hectic exercise regime and are still binging on high calorie food then you will never be able to achieve the fitness that you desire. To balance your body weight and attain fitness, you will have to choose health food over fattening delicacies. This will immensely help in reducing weight and you will feel a positive change after just few days.

The low level of protein in body is the major cause of weakness that you feel after an exercising session. To tackle this problem you are required to intake high protein food products and snacks. Protein rich food products will immensely help in combating the lack of protein in your diet and will give you the energy that you require to stay healthy through strict exercising regime. You can even go for high protein vegetarian diet, if you do not like non vegetarian food. There are many food products like pulses and soybean that you can consume to get a good supply of this essential nutrient. You can easily lose weight fast with delicious low carb high protein snacks, which are available in market. In case, you are also willing to built muscles then this diet plan can surely be helpful for you. Apart from protein, you should also eat food products that are rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Confronting Your Inner Dialogue

One of the most important things to learn how to do on your diet is to overcome your "inner dialogue". We all have self-statements that we say to ourselves throughout the day, that cause us to take action or not take action on things. In fact, our "inner dialogue" is an amazingly powerful thing. But, if our "inner dialogue" is negative, it can have negative impacts. And, this can be especially true when you are on a diet. For example, have you ever said the following statement to yourself?

“I’ll never be able to lose weight?”
“These snacks are my favorite; I can’t resist them.”
“I look like a fool when I exercise…I won’t do it.”
“I don’t like the taste of the shakes…I can’t do this.”
These are all classic examples of negative self-statements. And, as you know, they can severely impact your weight loss efforts.  Surprisingly, all failed diets can be traced back to someone starting with a negative thought, and then acting upon it.

- Hamilton Erridge, President of New Lifestyle Diet

Becoming Self Aware

I think that one of the funniest things about being a larger person is that we don’t necessarily see ourselves in that light. For instance, I can remember when I was 300+ pounds, if I saw another man that was bigger then me, I would say something to my wife like…”Would you look at the size of that monster.” She would typically respond, ”You should keep your mouth shut, because you’re not too much smaller then he is.” The funny thing is that she was right. Even though I could not deny my size, my self-image was completely distorted from the reality of what I looked like. The good news was that I had a good self-image; the bad news was that I was completely kidding myself. I

In fact, it wasn’t until I looked at some pictures that my wife had taken, that I realized the problem. I remember being so surprised by how I looked in the pictures that I turned to her and asked do I really look like this or is this just a bad picture?” Unfortunately, I was eating a cookie at the time and she laughed so hard that she couldn’t answer. I guess that was answer enough. As you can imagine, coming to terms with my own size was one of the keys to getting started. Probably one of the best things I could have ever done was stumble across the pictures that day. Ultimately, the reality of viewing myself in the pictures was just too big to ignore. I got the message. In hindsight, I cannot help but think I may have been subconsciously avoiding having my picture taken. Perhaps I knew that if I saw myself on film, the reality would be a shock.

-    Hamilton Erridge

Are you a Victim of your own Success?

I thought I would raise a very interesting question to everyone to think about...Are you a victim of your own success? Meaning, as a result of your success on your diet, do you find yourself starting to make modifications or being tempted to?

It’s amazing, but I receive countless e-mails from people that usually start out by saying the following:

"...while I have had great success on my diet, I'm now interested in modifying it to make it more interesting, can you give me some advice on doing this?"

The reason that I'm pointing this out is because I think it’s something that we are all tempted to do. But, the reason that people are successful on their diets has more to do with the fact that they are following them 100%. In fact, if most people just followed the program as it was presented, the success ratios would be much higher. Amazingly, this is one of the classic examples of the KISS principle....AKA: Keep It Simple Stupid.
So, while things may seem to get a little boring, or the temptation may arise to start modifying your plan, let me just scream the following from the top of the mountains...
Stick with your plan and don't modify it!

Of course, the only exception to this rule is the importance of changing up your exercise every few weeks. Amazingly, the human body is incredible at adapting to new challenges. And, just like your diet, it will also adapt to the physical challenges that you present to it. Keep things interesting and to keep your metabolism in full swing, definitely change up your exercise plan at least twice a month. Now, this doesn't mean you have to change the type of exercise that you are doing, but simply change the way you are doing it.

Hamilton Erridge, President of New Lifestyle Diet

Reinforce Your Mindset

I know that it’s easy to get lost in the constant noise and distractions of life, so I wanted to take a moment to help you reinforce your mindset and commitment for success. To do this, take a deep breath, than read the following promise to yourself:

“Today, I’m making a personal promise that nothing is going to stop me from changing my mindset, losing weight, and creating my new lifestyle. I’m 100% committed to this and I’m doing it for me. I want to change my life and I understand that it’s going to take sacrifice and hard work, but I’m worth it. This is the place in time that I’ve chosen to do this. Not tomorrow, or next week, but right now. This is my personal vow to myself and nothing is going to stop me.”

Never forget that you are losing weight to live a healthier life, move more easily, and to look and feel your best. I know that it’s hard, but stay strong and know that we are always here for you.
 - Hamilton Erridge, President of New Lifestyle Diet

Utilizing Your Time Correctly

Although it may sound insane, one of the biggest mistakes that people make when dieting is to overly focus on their weight loss and the importance of what the scale is showing.  Yes, we are all in this game to lose weight, but your focus cannot be on just that or true success will always be out of your grasp. For example, each of us has either lost weight and gained it back, or knows someone that has also done this. Clearly, while going through the process of losing weight is never easy, if someone has the right mindset and discipline, they can be successful. However, just losing the weight is clearly not enough and this is where most people go wrong. Instead of viewing your time on a diet as just a time to lose weight, consider it a time that you do some true reflection and determine the reasons behind your weight issues, and more importantly, the new behaviors and goals that you want to accomplish for yourself.

For some, it’s simply a matter of losing the weight and adding exercise back into their life. And, for others, their diet provides a unique experience to take a step away from food, re-approach the relationship from a new and healthier perspective. However, regardless of your own issues, the important thing to think about while you are going through your journey is to make them a point of reflection when you have reached your goal weight.

The bottom line is this; you have the power to lose your weight, and to also keep it off for the rest of your life. But, it’s going to require breaking the mold. It’s going to require reflection and honesty towards your own issues and truly getting to the root of what has caused you to be overweight. And, while it’s never fun to look inward and examine our own vulnerabilities and issues, being able to do this is what is going to allow you to truly achieve success.

Being Greeted As a Heavier Person

It never ceases to amaze me how thinner people think it’s alright to say to a larger man...."Hey Big Guy." Now, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not the overly sensitive type, but this greeting has always struck me as a back-handed compliment. In fact, through the years I got so sick of hearing people say this that I included it as one of my weight loss goals. I personally vowed that I would get to the point that no one would ever be justified again in saying this to me. So, you can imagine my amazement when I reached my weight loss goal and someone said..."Hey Big Guy."

Thankfully, as I smiled and walked away from them thinking that perhaps my weight loss goal wasn't low enough, they responded, "I guess I can't really say that anymore."

- Hamilton Erridge, President of New Lifestyle Diet

Time Machine Syndrome

One of the hardest things about a diet is that in order to be successful, it requires total focus and commitment to where you want to be in the future. However, in doing this, it’s important not to lose touch with the present.

I know that in the perfect world, we'd all want to be able to step into a time machine and simply step out of it when we reach our goal weight. While time machines don't exist, one of the worst traps anyone can fall into is not living life in the present. Yes, keep your eyes focused on the prize, but don't forget to start living now too.
I know for myself, I said things like...When I reach my goal weight, I'm going to...

1. Look up old friends... 2. Ask for a promotion... 3. Go dancing... 4. Do something nice for myself... 5. Go on vacation...

The bottom line is that while it’s great to have goals...Don't forget to start having some fun and live life now. Take it from me...I made the mistake of putting many things on hold while I was losing my weight. And, while reaching my goal weight was fantastic, I could have done a much better job of living my life at the time.

Bottom line...Life's too short not to start enjoying it right now!! Stick with your goals, but don't make the mistake of falling into the time machine syndrome.

Hamilton Erridge