Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Low Carb Diet Plan-the Best Way for Guys to Lose Weight

What and how you eat has direct relation with fat build up in your body. If you want to lose weight and remain fit and healthy, you should be aware about what you taking. Also fitness experts think that the best way for fat guys to lose weight is to make a plan about what should be taking during each day. According to them, when making a diet plan, you should keep in mind four things-calories, protein, carbs, and fat.

Make your diet plan in such a way that  you take these four elements as much as one who is doing weight loss course, should take. Your breakfast should include 100 calories, 14 protein, 7 carbs and as low as 1.5 fat. These are the essences of a standard breakfast that can help burn fat significantly. Green vegetables and fruits that are high is fiber should be part your breakfast. Also, you can take pudding/shake that is one the best meal replacements recommended by diet experts for weight loss.

In your weight loss diet plan, include lunch that is low in calories but high in protein while proving optimum amount of cars and fat. Take cereals,vegetables and fruits in your lunch. It is better to avoid heavy to digest foods such as meat, dairy products and so on. If you want to eat something delicious and different flavors, include pudding/ shake and nutrition bar or snack item that are made of ingredients having low calories. Pudding or shake in afternoon snack, lean meat, cups of vegetables in dinner and pudding/shake and hot drinks in evening snack will be very helpful in shedding weight significantly.

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